Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day

Kneel Where Our Loves Are Sleeping
Words by G.W.R.
Music by Mrs. L. Nella Sweet

published 1867

Kneel where our loves are sleeping, Dear ones days gone by,
Here we bow in holy reverence, Our bosoms heave the heartfelt sigh.
They fell like brave men, true as steel, And pour’d their blood like rain,
We feel we owe them all we have, And can but weep and kneel again.

Kneel where our loves are sleeping, They lost but still were good and true,
Our fathers, brothers fell still fighting, We weep, ‘tis all that we can do.

Here we find our noble dead, Their spirits soar’d to him above,
Rest they now about his throne, For God is mercy, God is love.
Then let us pray that we may live, As pure and good as they have been,
That dying we may ask of him, To open the gate and let us in.

Kneel where our loves are sleeping, They lost but still were good and true,
Our fathers, brothers fell still fighting, We weep, ‘tis all that we can do.

As a writer, sometimes words will strike a chord in my soul like music, pictures, and even real life events could never hope to touch.

You don't have to agree with war or politics to recognize those who have fallen in the service of a belief that is greater than them as individuals, but made greater by those individuals.

There are times where grand words are needed, yet others where simple ones will do. In honor of those who have passed; I offer my thanks to all of you.

~~~Memorial Day History~~~

Friday, May 25, 2012

Life Happens

"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on."

-Havelock Ellis 

Has it really been so long since I made a blog post? My goodness. May has been one of those months that sweeps a person away and doesn't give them much choice in the matter. Between my various obligations and, well, sleep, I haven't had time for much else. Sure, I'll occasionally indulge in some games. Who doesn't want to own some undead creatures with zombie dogs and jars full of spiders?
But for the most part I find that time is just slipping away while I take care of my never-ending list of priorities; on which writing has fallen dangerously low.

Then, of course, when I do find the time to write my mind goes blank! What a treacherous little thing, the imagination. Is it too late in the year to make a New Year's resolution?

On the back of all that, is my story any good? Should I write to be published, or write for only my enjoyment? Will those two things be at opposite ends, or can I find a good balance between the two? Its enough self-doubt for a person to drown in, I'll tell ya.

Either way, I'm making a goal chart (a realistic one), because I seem to work far better under deadlines; which any of my college instructors could tell you. 

Nothing worth doing is ever easy, and oh, the truth in that! As the quote in the beginning says, living life means finding a balance between letting go and holding on. Sometimes we have to let things go for a while before we're ready to catch them and hold on.

Tell me what's the word, the word count:
