Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sometimes, I get a Good Feeling!

"That adrenaline, never giving in // Giving up's not an option, gotta get it in // Witness I got the heart of 20 men // No fear, go to sleep in the lion's den"

Have you ever been so incredibly nervous and excited about something that your chest feels strange, and you've determined this must be what the beginning of a heart attack must be like? That is how I feel each time I submit new portions of my writing to my instructor for the writing course, and I log in to find she's posted her response.

It is such a rush of adrenaline that I almost forget how to breathe.

Each time I submit a new session, I think, "This is it, she'll come back and say my story is going nowhere, it's gotten boring, and I'm wasting my time." The fear kicks the adrenaline into high gear, and my heart is beating as if I'm running for my life.

Isn't that the truth, though? I really am running for my life - a life where people read my work and greatly enjoy it.

Any way, she didn't say that I sucked. There was less technical feedback this time - I do try hard to fix my mistakes and actively incorporate improvements into my writing. It doesn't always mean I'll succeed, though. As any person can tell another - bad habits can be hard to break.

What makes my spirit soar, like every happy event in my life happening happening all in one moment, is this:

"I really like your story—very different.  What  delightful characterization, excellent use of dialogue and your narrative introspection has the perfect touches of voice that makes Nyx come to life."

If I could sing and/or dance, I would probably be doing one or both. Instead, I'll get close to hyperventilating in excitement. 

Alright, deep breath. Time for session 3 to begin.