Monday, July 2, 2012

Revision and Heart Palpitations

When I sent in my, regrettably, late revision to the workshop teacher, I told her how sorry I was about the mix-up. Then, I saw her reply in my email inbox and I couldn't breathe....just to find out it was her letting me know it was okay, but no comments on my revision yet.

Now my heart is going insane, I'm anxious, and extremely nervous. Around one in ten to half the people in the workshop get asked to present more of their work, or get offered representation. While that would be amazing, I am already over the moon that an agent believes my writing is great. Of course, it doesn't stop me from crossing my fingers she'll want more.

I might be more nervous than the day I got married. At least I knew that was a sure thing, all this waiting is like proposing to someone and they haven't given you an answer yet.


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