Monday, April 9, 2012

Finding Motivation in some Very Weird Places

"I promise."
With Randall choking on the words, we watched as the little girl we didn't know the name of sighed, content in his promise. She didn't draw another breath.
The Demon started to charge, and Randall's head jerked up sharply in response to the thundering steps. In a flash, his liquid gold eyes changed from his human ones to those of his reptilian second nature. Turning to look at me, he said the words I'll never forget.
"Do it."

-A (very) brief look at Nyx's former partner. 

Well, I have a few odds and ends to talk about tonight, but nothing too terribly profound.

Today was absolutely gorgeous, and I spent more time outside today than I probably have since the cold set in last year. We actually might see 70 tomorrow! While I look forward to the weather change, I do not look forward to the absurd practice of building houses with no air conditioning. Who the frock does this? Some of them don't even get air conditioning in their cars...

"It is too temperate here to need air conditioning!" The people of the Pacific-Northwest proudly proclaim. 

"Bullshit." Says I.

Tell that to the windows in my living room, bedroom, and bathroom, that face the sun all flipping day. We spend the majority of our time in the living room, and it has two PC's, our big honking television, XBOX, PS3, and kitchen very close by; all of which, as most of you know, produce heat. Tack on the weather getting into the 80's & 90's the last couple of summers, and you have a recipe for one pissed off, displaced Floridian who grew up with air conditioning. 

They didn't even have the decency to build the house with a screen on the front door, so if I open it to get a cross breeze, I also get flies.

Ahem, any way.

Have any of you ever found motivation in the oddest places? For some reason, watching shows with Gordon Ramsey in them motivates me to write more, and writer better. Strange? Probably. It is not always easy to explain what motivates me. Some things are obvious: like wanting to tear it up exercising after watching the Biggest Loser. Others, eh, not so much (see example above).

On an amazing note, I have exactly 1 follower! Whoo! You know who you are, and I <3 you. No, it isn't my husband.

I was going to write about something else, maybe even something profound, but it leaked out of my brain as I wrote my paper for college tonight. Which, by the way, was boring if you didn't guess. 

The idea of leaving the house to write has been fruitful. If only Barnes & Noble were closer, or the Starbuck's a minute up the road stayed open later. But nothing in life is perfect, and I'm working with what I've got.

Tell me what's the word, the word count:

Title inspiration.

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