Monday, April 16, 2012

Keep on Trucking

"Tomorrow is the only day in the year that appeals to a lazy man."

- Jimmy Lyons 

Geez, I didn't realize the last time I posted was Monday. How lazy have I been? To continue that theme, this weekend I found myself making a few excuses where...well, everything was concerned. Writing, cleaning, college, cooking, exercise, etc. Nothing got neglected to the point of anything bad happening, but it kinda made me feel like crap.

Sometimes it seems like no matter how motivated we start out, it can all go down the drain at the drop of a hat. It can be range from something simple, where we know we're just making an excuse, to something serious. In the end, though, they really all are just excuses, right?

For some reason, my drive seems to kick in right when I want to go to sleep. Then, as I am falling asleep, I tell myself that tomorrow I'll do better, do more. Then sometime between falling asleep and my alarm going off, it fizzles out like fireworks in the rain.

The thing that is difficult to keep in mind is that 'feel-good' feeling you get when you accomplish something. Like kicking ass in a workout, finishing off a chapter, or making a meal that your family enjoys.

Right now I'm stuck in my book. Not like rooted in place stuck, but more like slogging through the mud stuck. Part of it has to do with the fact it is a scene I've written, and re-written, a few times. Another part is, like I said, I was attacked by the lazy fairy this weekend.


Pretty she may be, but a helluva pain to get over. So what to do? What is the cure for sloth? If I find the answer I'll let you know. Right now it seems to be, just keep on trucking.

Tell me what's the word, the word count:

I know the picture looks a little funky, and that would be my camera on my phone acting up again.

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