Sunday, April 1, 2012

Location, Location, Location

Are you okay?” The words held true concern, and the air shifted as he moved closer. His warm, delectable energy danced over my skin, and I had to brace myself on my knees to keep from falling. With my breathing coming out in ragged gasps, I didn't notice when the boxes thumped to the floor. In that moment when he put a hand on my back, all my efforts to keep things from going downhill amounted to nothing.  
Before I knew I was falling, he caught me in his arms and we tumbled to the floor in an awkward heap. My head was muddled, as if I had drank too much alcohol, and in his lap the power turned from pleasant to near scorching as it enveloped me.
You’re scaring me, Nyx, what's going on?"

-Nyx, and her new partner. Ooh la la. 

What's going on indeed?

This weekend I discovered that it can be very difficult for me to concentrate on my writing when at home. So I took a chance and schlepped myself and my laptop to Barnes & Noble, utilizing their spacious Starbucks cafe and somewhat scarce power outlets. It worked almost like a charm. The only problem I had today was jockeying for a position near an outlet; and of course an unused one. 

Some of these people are downright cutthroat. When I was trying to be polite and not rush someone out of their space, another person just walked up and plunked his laptop down before the other man had even cleared the table. Manners, people, get some! Yeesh. 

Any way, I am happy to say that I was effective in attaining a higher word count. However, I ran into a problem as one of my favorite 'editors', (see: husband), and I butted heads about my new writing techniques. I am rather horrid at explaining things verbally, as some who are partial to the written word are. I think another problem may be the male-female perspective. Sometimes I read a sentence and it says one thing to me, but when he reads it, it says something completely different. We'll see. Hopefully these differences can be reconciled, or at least grudgingly noted so we can agree to disagree. 

            - What is actually happening.

So, the moral of the story is this: if you find yourself in a rut, change your environment. It may or may not help, but it doesn't hurt to try.

Tell me what's the word, the word count:

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