Saturday, March 24, 2012

Finding Harmony among Responsibilities

- Emile Coue

Sitting down tonight and doing my college was a struggle. As my mind is being pulled in a completely different direction, I am beginning to realize how difficult it can be to balance out my responsibility to being realistic, and my dreams. 

On the one hand, I want more than anything to have my writing published one day. On the other, I have the logical portion of my brain telling me it might never happen, and doing well in college is what an adult would choose. The chances of me being published versus my chances of getting a career through my degree are similar to the odds of beating the house in a Las Vegas casino. Sure, some people beat the house and go on to be published, but mostly they walk away from the table lighter in the wallet. 

Then of course I have the responsibility to my health in maintaining a fitness routine - which eats up more time. This one gets pushed to the back burner more often than my writing does. Of course when I fall behind on this area I physically feel like garbage, which in turn effects my state of mind.

With a constant war between mind, body, and soul, (since conflicts may change, but the battles are ongoing), is it hard for me to believe I have taken this long to get serious about my writing? When worded that way, no. But I think many of us run into these problems as we get older, and we forget to dance.

Who won the battle tonight? Since there is no word count update, I'm sure you can guess. Though there is something to be said about having deadlines, like my college courses. I'm sure that some of you can sympathize with me; even if I have time to get things done early, I'm definitely a, 'do it at the last minute', type. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, especially since I have been able to pull it off for almost two and a half years. 

I could throw in taking care of my daughter, but honestly that is a given. When it comes down to it, daughter trumps all; no competition there.

So, the rankings for tonight were:

Mind - the reluctant leader outstripping all.
Body - the sulking runner-up.
Soul - the woebegone loser.

I did my college, (halfheartedly), followed by my workout, (you are a sadistic bastard, Shaun T.), and after I post this I'll be heading toward my cozy bed to slug it out on my laptop with Nyx. 

All I can do is hope tomorrow's odds are stacked more in my Soul's favor. 

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