Sunday, March 25, 2012

Slow and Steady Wins the Race - But Could it be More Frustrating?

"Change your thoughts and you change your world."

-Norman Vincent Peale 

As I said in a previous post, there are aspects of my writing completely incompatible with being published. I got stuck in a rut with my writing style, and after spinning my wheels I'm having to dig my way out. The problem I'm running across is the new way of writing I'm learning feels unnatural; like I'm a kid playing dress-up trying to pass myself off as an adult. It's awkward, the going has been slow, and I'm worried that someone is going to come along and say, 'Aha! You are not a real writer, you poser!"

Having spent almost three hours on my writing this afternoon, I produced only a measly two or three paragraphs. I'll write something out, realize it is written wrong, then I have to go back through and restructure everything. I'm like the little pig who is building their house out of bricks, when the other portions of my mind (brother pigs) are chortling at my effort when I could take the easy route.

Right now I'm just beginning my house, and trying to keep the big bad wolf (editors/literary agents) in mind while I toil away. Change is not something that comes easy for humans, and it often involves a lot of baby steps, when what I really want to do is leap headlong into this. As someone who has always thumbed their nose at drafts, especially in academia, I am finding that this new method is close to being painful. I'm used to having the wonderful ability at writing something out and have it be amazing the first time, but this isn't the case here.

While it is frustrating, I know that it is best.

How is Nyx doing this evening? She is frustrated with me, and I can't blame her. I have everything planned out, but I am taking so long to get it down. We're almost to the point where she meets a focal character in the book, and Nyx wants to get it over with. Not that she doesn't like him, but the suspense is killing her; and almost me. I'd give more details, but what fun would that be? If I told you guys everything, you wouldn't need to buy my book when it finally comes out. ;)

Also, because who doesn't like Darth Vader as a bunny rabbit?

Till next time, see you later alligators!

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