Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Crazies

"If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance."

- George Bernard Shaw

After reading a humorous family situation (funny only because it is not my situation) on a forum I frequent, and the fact that Nyx will soon be confronting her own lovely family, has me thinking; why in the world do people put up with so much crap from some of their relatives, a.k.a. the crazies?

Yeah, okay, so they're faaaaaaamily. That doesn't buy you a lot of points in my book. Family do not automatically get to crap on other people just because they have the same DNA, or are married to people who have the same DNA. That just won't fly. 

I'm not saying throw down the gauntlet for every infraction, but geez, some of the things I see tolerated purely because of blood relation makes me shake my head. This is my thinking on the subject; "Would you tolerate this from someone not related to you? No? Then don't tolerate it from them." Lack of respect is lack of respect; no matter who it is coming from.

Any way, Nyx hasn't become as enlightened as me yet, and persists on punishing herself for the sake of family. Just like with any other family, there are a few people she would really miss if they weren't in her life, but do they truly make up for all the garbage slung her way by the others? Probably not, and like everyone else she'll have to come to this realization on her own. 

Until then, a few words of advice:

Don't feed the crazies! It's like giving a Mogwai food after midnight; nothing good can come of it. In fact, feeding the crazies will just spawn little gremlins, but instead of killing you through normal means, (like catapulting you off of your stair lift), they slowly wear your soul down with guilt and passive-aggressive comments at every family function.

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