Thursday, June 28, 2012

That Twist in your Gut and Hitch in your Breath

"Because I get nervous all the time. It's weird but I think it's fun and it's refreshing. It's always good to be that way. That keeps me appreciative of everything."

- Christina Milian

As most people who enjoy reading do these days, I subscribe or favorite various authors whose books I love reading. Then there are moments in life where it seems as if things fit perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. 

As each day progresses toward my writing class tomorrow morning, (which by the way I discovered I have to be on at six in the morning, not nine, gah!), I find myself even more nervous as each hour passes. When checking my Facebook feed, I find one of the authors on my favorite list posting how nervous she is going into a business meeting about her books. Well she uses the word stress, but in my mind a person is stressing out partially due to the fact they are nervous.

While it doesn't do anything to reduce the level of nerves I'm experiencing, it makes me feel a little better to know even extremely successful authors still get that way. As I said, some things just happen with amazing timing and seeing her post this week was one of those moments for me.
Writing can be a little like falling in love with someone. You are putting so much of yourself into the 'relationship' it can be somewhat devastating when rejection occurs. It is as if people aren't saying, "Your work isn't good enough", but, "You're not good enough." It hurts. With enough rejection, it seems as though you'll never find the one. 

However, these feelings running through me like a pack of excited puppies lets me know I haven't given up an ounce of hope yet; but I'm still worried about the outcome. That being said, I don't think I'd ever want the feeling to leave. As nerve-wracking as it may be, the quote gets it correct. 

Wish me luck! This is not what I want to see Saturday:

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