Monday, June 18, 2012

Something from Nothing

Major philosophy aside, there are times in life where a person must put themselves, and their wallets, out on a limb to get what they desire. Those of you who know me, know that I truly despise spending money on myself; and it can make me feel a little sick to my stomach at times. It sounds a little more extreme than it is, but it certainly doesn't make me feel good. Now, my husband and daughter are a completely different story, but that is beside the point.

I broke down and purchased a 'class' through Writer's Digest. In this class, a literary agent will review and critique the first ten pages of my manuscript. As anyone who has submitted a query knows, you're not going to get a reason why your query was rejected. It is a short, 'No, thanks!' In my previous post, I stated how this can be a little nerve-wracking; because you don't know if it is an issue with how you presented your manuscript in the query, the content is horrible, or if that agent isn't looking for something in your genre right then.

Having instant access to a literary agent who is actually going to read the manuscript would be all words synonymous with 'amazing'. The hitch in this, however, is spending the money for the class. As a lot of people in the world do, I tend to pull my punches in certain areas to keep from being disappointed too badly. Spending the money for this means I am taking a step in the direction of becoming far more serious about my writing. It can be a little scary, and I don't want to feel like I wasted the money. Right now, it's just time I'm spending.

I'll close with a fortifying quote, and try to get over it. In all honesty though, I probably won't feel any better about it until after the class; so wish me luck!

"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying."

- Michael Jordan


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