Friday, June 29, 2012

The Good, and the Suprisingly Not so Bad...

I got my first critique back from the literary agents, and while there are things that need to be fixed the overall tone of the feedback is positive.

My strengths were labeled as:
  • Good writing (booyah!)
  • Intriguing heroine (woosh goes the bullet I feel like I dodged)
  • Engaging voice
  • Interesting premise (whoo!)
A couple of the issues are mechanic related, but completely re-workable; such as the fact I use too many similes. I know this is a problem of mine, but I blame being raised in the south, where every situation has some kind of simile a person can pull out of their hat.

Some of the things she takes issue with get explained in the very next chapter...but I can see how they should be incorporated in the first ten pages; since most literary agents don't go beyond that.

My brain is already brewing on how to change the first chapter, and I'm so excited I can barely type!

I took a five hour right before getting the message in my email, fate, maybe? Should I try to type out some of the new intro tonight, or wait until I'm not running on four hours of sleep, adrenaline, and a caffeine high?

We'll see... Right now I want to do nothing more than jump up and down and scream my somewhat success to the rooftops, hah!

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